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Shadow Healing
with Tonia Peltier


 Shadow Work

What is it?

Shadow Work® is a personal growth modality, based on Jungian philosophy, which brings hidden dynamics of ourselves into the light where we can see it for what it is, and then choose to change the pattern in a way that works better for us, and brings us closer to authenticity.

Most of us have something in how we relate to ourselves or others that we'd change if we could.

Shadow Work gives us a way to do that by finding out what's going on beneath the surface.

As a skilled Coach, I can guide you through changing the "stuck" dynamic, in the way that you decide. 

Shadow Work® is especially devoted to creating a setting that allows us to explore and evolve safely, with choice, and without pressure.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life, and you will call it fate.”

~Carl Jung

About Me

My own 23-year recovery and personal growth journey led me to Shadow Work® in 2015. Shadow Work® gave me an understanding of what was going on unconsciously within me, and provided a way for me to heal and transform dynamics that were keeping me from what I wanted, and from being who I truly wanted to be.  I was able to reclaim the gold qualities I had put into my shadow, like self-trust, confidence, and my power. During my shadow healing journey, I found my next mission: to help others do the same.

I am a Certified Shadow Work® Coach and I can partner with you for your own Shadow Healing Journey. 

Free 30-Min Clarity Session

During our Clarity Session, you'll get clear on:

- what you REALLY want for yourself right now

- which parts of you are creating resistance to getting what you want


You'll also get:

- a FREE personalized exercise to get closer to what you want

- ZERO pressure from me

- Clear ideas on what we could achieve in a session together


Of course I'll answer any and all questions you have about me, Shadow Work, or what our work together would look like.

A Clarity Session is REQUIRED before any paid sessions.

Introductory 2-hour Session ~ $150

I offer this initial session together if you'd like to try working with me to see if the modality is a fit for you.


I'll spend this time mapping out the most pressing sabotaging pattern that is keeping you from what you want. 


I'll show you some options to change what's happening in this pattern, which YOU will choose. 


Following our session, you'll get detailed notes for your reference, with next step suggestions. 


I DO NOT push a sale, I trust you to know what is right for you.


If we have had a Clarity Session, or you have completed the Shadow Healing Journey, you can book a one-time discounted 2-hour session below.

Shadow Healing Journey

I can guide you on a transformational journey, where you will emerge a new, more authentic and empowered version of yourself.

This journey includes 12 hours of one-on-one sessions with me (the first session will be 2 hours), at your own pace, plus a bonus Self-Process Instructional Hour.


You'll also receive unlimited support and detailed recorded notes after every session.

Pebble Beach

Hourly Rate Sessions

Some clients prefer to take one session at a time on their terms of frequency and amount. 

I get that, and I want to serve them as well, in the way that works for them.

(My favorite way to work with clients is through the 3-month Shadow Healing Journey package because I know the impact it has in a short time, and I LOVE seeing clients get what they want so quickly! Plus it includes unlimited email/voxer support and I get to support them between sessions, which I LOVE!)

My hourly rate (after our discounted Introductory Session) is $111.

(If you're new to me, start with a Clarity Session) 

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